Great Contribution to Circular Economy from Denge Kimya: SOLSTICE Project Approved!

We are pleased to announce the acceptance of our SOLSTICE project, which aims to generate results for the establishment of a circular economy in the textile sector through regional, replicable and systematic solutions.


This project, which will be carried out with a wide network of stakeholders, will follow the 5R strategy of waste reduction, reuse, repair, recycling and recovery.


With SOLSTICE we intend to develop synergistic strategies and best practice tools to implement the 5R approach from the purchase phase to the end of life of both industrial and everyday textile products. At Denge Kimya, we are committed to reintroducing elastane, a polyurethane recovered from textiles, to a new industry under our Vynax brand. We believe that anything is possible with chemistry, so our hopes are high.